We firmly believe that an educated customer is our best customer. We love to share our knowledge! We have a full crew of DCA- and GIA-educated gemologists and diamontologists, ready to geek-out with you.
There are three different types of exploration that are available at no charge to you. These explorations are about learning--not selling or even suggesting. We intend to equip you with the knowledge you need to feel comfortable working with a jewelry professional anywhere on the topics offered.
Professional Diamond Consultation
You will learn all about your options for ethically-sourced diamonds, and learn not just the "4 Cs," but also the difference between conflict-free, fair trade, upcycled, enhanced, and lab-grown diamonds.
We teach you how to use a loupe, how to read a wholesale pricing sheet, and we will show you a diamond under a microscope, and familiarize you with what you are viewing.
Professional Sapphire Consultation
Montana is the only state in the union that commercially produces gem-quality sapphires. So, there's good reason to explore those wonderful Montana Fancy and Yogo sapphires!
There's a lot of myth and hype on the internet, however, and we know you want the straight skinny.
You will learn all about your options for Montana Fancy and Yogo sapphires, and learn about the legitimate ways their color and clarity should be represented to you, but also the differences between heated and unheated sapphires, how sapphires are mined, and how they are cut.
We teach you how to use a loupe and we will show you a sapphire under a microscope.
One-on-One No-Pressure Engagement Ring Discovery
You do this once. We do this every day. Please let us help you learn what you need to know so you can make a solid and informed decision.
A small sampling of the types of questions we are prepared to answer:
• "How do I learn about styles?"
• "Does the ring s/he wants require custom crafting?"
• "Do the rings on her Pinterest page work with our lifestyle?"
• "How is jewelry made? Can you use my gems and metal?"
• "Can you make a reproduction of this old ring?"
• "How do I make it a surprise if I don't know ring size?"
• "Can a ring be made to fit around this family ring?"
• "Can you make a ring using this birthstone from my grandmother?"