alara jewelry warranty services
Since fine jewelry is crafted using precious metals and gems that can be affected by day-to-day wear, and since how jewelry is worn varies dramatically from person to person, our automatic warranty extends for only three months.
We do, however, offer the Alara Jewelry Premier Lifetime Warranty that covers many types of typical maintenance services, so that you needn't fuss with paying for every service your pieces require.

Basically, this warranty is to cover you in the case of a manufacturing defect, which is something that would occur within three months. After that time, the condition of a piece of jewelry is directly correlative to the care with which the piece is worn.
To be clear, there are certainly breaks, bruises, and "oopsies" that can occur in the first three months that are not due to a manufacturing defect.
Under magnification, it is quite easy for us to determine which is the case, and we will happily and transparentally "show and tell" under a microscope if an unfortunate incident happens in the first three months.
Most importantly, we truly enjoy educating on proper jewelry care and maintenance, even if your jewelry wasn't purchased at Alara. If your jewelry was purchased at Alara, we typically dispense that important info before you leave with your new treasure. But sometimes, the person purchasing and the person wearing are not one and the same.

Firstly, because maintenance warranties require the jewelry wearer to have the pieces inspected and cleaned at regular intervals. It is the very nature of precious metals to wear away...but if a jeweler spots that wear before it becomes too severe, preventative maintenance can be performed. If jewelry maintenance is deferred for too long, it is possible that the pieces can literally reach a point where only major refurbishment will do the trick--which is far more expensive. And much like a car, pieces will eventually reach the point of no return.

Secondly, our maintenance warranties are offered through the people who know your jewelry best: the Alara Team!
Why should you care about that? Well, since Alara carries out-of-the-ordinary jewelry, the Alara Team are most familiar with the proper care, repair, and maintenance of your Alara jewels. Ultimately, the jewelry covered by an Alara Jewelry Platinum Warranty enjoys less breakage and longer lifespans because we make sure that customers are starting with jewelry the quality of which won't over-burden the warranty program in the first place.
Everyone must have their jewelry repaired and maintained at some point. With the Alara Jewelry Premier Lifetime Warranty Plan, most common repairs and maintenance services are included, as opposed to being paid for a la carte. In fact, between this plan and all-perils jewelry insurance, you will have hardly a care in the world about your jewelry.
details on...
• one-time ring re-sizing (when possible, excludes eternity rings)
• one-time re-shank
• re-tipping of prongs
• tightening of stones
• refinishing and/or polishing
• polishing
• loose earring backs
• replacement of round white diamonds up to 0.20 ct apiece
• repair cracked shank
• replacement of broken prongs
• broken earring posts
• broken clasps on bracelets or chains
• once-annual rhodium plating
• one-time ring re-soldering to another ring
• automatic email reminders for required 4-month clean-and-check service

The Alara Jewelry Premier Lifetime Warranty Plan is available on pieces over $1,500 each in value, and a separate plan must be purchased for each piece you wish to have covered. Your warrantied pieces are covered for the lifetime of the plan's purchaser.
We will not allow you to purchase this plan if your piece will not garner benefit from having it. For instance, we carry a handful of designers who require all repair work be done by them. Or, if you purchase a heavy gold necklace that does not contain gems, the only thing covered by this warranty would be the clasp. We will not sell you the warranty in either of these cases.
The pricing varies with the value of the item, and is shown below.

alara jewelry premier lifetime warranty
price grid
To calculate the price of your warranty, you use the full retail price (even if you purchased at a discount) and multiply it by the corresponding percentage.
This is a warranty that lasts for your lifetime.
what you need to do on your end
A portfolio will be provided to you upon your purchase of an Alara Jewelry Premier Lifetime Warranty. This will include: recommendations for how to care for your fine jewelry piece, receipts of your purchase, as well as an “inspection sheet” that is essential for keeping your Alara Jewelry Premier Lifetime Warranty in force.
The inspection sheet has a section for Alara staff to record inspection dates (required every four months). Each entry ensures that the jewelry is up-to-date on needed maintenance and eligible for continued warranty coverage. Please remember to bring your portfolio to every inspection appointment. You will receive automated reminders of your 4-month inspections at no charge.