Hypochlorous Acid for Piercing After-Care

About Hypochlorous Acid

Hypochlorous acid is naturally produced by white blood cells of all mammals. It plays an important role in the immune system killing pathogens through oxidation and chlorination.

Hypochlorous acid can also be produced through a process called electrolysis. Electrolysis is a technique that uses a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Specifically engineered elecrolysis cells can generate a solution of free chlorine species by running electricity through NaCl (table salt) and water. The oxidants hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and hypochlorite (OCl-) are formed at the anode. If the pH of the solution is weakly acidic to neutral, the free chlorine solution will be dominated by hypochlorous acid. 

chemical structure of hypochlorous acid

Hypochlorous is a powerful oxidant and is 100 times more efficient at killing microbial pathogens than sodium hypochlorite (aka. chlorine bleach). 

Hypochlorous Acid is Safe on Eyes and Skin

Hypochlorous acid does not cause irritation to eyes and skin. Even it were ingested it causes no harm. Because it is so safe, it is the ideal sanitizer in healthcare where it is used for wound cleansing, replacing chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol, which are known to retard the healing process.

Hypochlorous Acid is Eco-Friendly 

hypochlorous acid is eco-friendly

HOCl is made from salt. Once deactivated, it turns back into saline. This process takes time, however. The spray bottle of HOCl that you start using today will remain as strong as needed for your piercing after-care, whether you were pierced on your lobe (6 weeks of spraying) or on your cartilage (8 weeks of spraying).

Alara uses black glass bottles to prevent degradation of the HOCl due to UV light, and to keep plastic out of our landfills.