Wishlist Instructions Y'all!

  • Register here
  • Activate your Wishlist Account by clicking the link in the email that was sent to you.
  • Browse the Alara website. You can add items to your Wishlist from individual item pages, by clicking the gray "Add to Wishlist" bar:  
  • Then, click the "OK" bar shown in the pop-up: 
  • The "Add to Wishlist" bar will now be red in color for the item you just added.
  • When you're done, scroll to the top of the Alara website, and click the heart icon at the top right.
  • Your personal Wishlist page will now show. Make any additions and come back if you like.
  • When everything's good, select the email icon and send your Wishlist to your not-so-secret admirers: 
  • That's it! You can always add or delete items. 

P.S. Be sure to add an item that "shoots the moon!" You'd be surprised how often folks decide to gift that really spendy l'il number that's on their sweetie's Wishlist!