

Amáli designer, Sara Freedenfeld, discovered her passion for making jewelry while backpacking through South America. In Valparaiso, Chile she learned to combine natural elements with knotted strings to form intricate wearable art. On the same trip, she met an artist in Venezuela who taught her how to link and mold metal. Freedenfeld draws inspiration from the natural landscapes and vibrant textiles that color her travels. "My intention is to delicately unite the natural simplicity of handcrafted artistry with the sophistication and glamour of high fashion." 

Sara's design philosophy is centered around the importance of feeling deeply connected to everything she does. To begin, she named the business after her grandmother, whose bold and confident spirit serves as an ongoing inspiration for the brand. Add to that her joy from meeting the challenge of creating the luxe,complex, woven designs--getting lost for hours trying to navigate a new design from vision to completion. 

Each piece is created by hand in Sara's New York studio using mechanical connections to combine 18 karat chains, gemstones, and diamonds. Her designs are distinguishable by the intricately woven highly reflective chain used to create rich textures with a lot of movement.

Babs and Sara met through a mutual jewelry designer friend. Sara has major creator cred in Babs’ eyes, because when Sara brought a little one into this world, Sara just wrapped her baby into her work life, and trundled her off to design shows to meet all her clients. 

2 products

2 products